Business Law: Text and Cases – Legal, Ethical, Global, and Corporate Environment: Kenneth W. Clarkson, Roger LeRoy Miller, Frank B. Cross

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Publication Date: November 29, 2010 | ISBN-10: 0538470828 ISBN-13 :978-0538470827 Edition: 12
Comprehensive, authoritative, and student-friendly, long-term market leader in commercial law: text and cases – legal, ethical, global, and corporate environment provides an ideal blend of classic “black letter law” and cutting-edge contemporary issues and cases covering. First text for undergraduate teaching methods with traditional law schools, such as content, Business Law continues to set the standard of excellence. In this paper, a black letter law approach has strong interests of student enrollment law accessible, interesting and relevant to readers. 12 case, the content and functionality has been completely updated to the latest developments in commercial law. An excellent variety of iconic buildings from precedent, recent important decisions, including the scope and moral global corporate theme is integrated throughout. In addition, many critical thinking exercises challenge students to apply what they’ve learned to the problems in the real world, the text provides an unparalleled auxiliary materials – including innovative online teaching and learning resource. It’s no wonder, Business Law, more colleges and universities than any other business law