Calculus: Early Transcendentals: Jon Rogawski: 9781429208383

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Publication Date: March 30, 2011 | ISBN-10: 1,429,208,384 ISBN-13 :978-1429208383 | Version: second edition
What is the ideal balance? How can you ensure that students not only get the computing power they need, and in-depth understanding of the significance of their learning? With Rogawski Calculus teaching the second edition of the most successful new calculus text in 25 years of support!

In its first Rogawski’s Calculus widely used to balance formal precision with a guiding conceptual focus of the work of teachers and students. The correlation of the of Rogawski students calculus at the same time to strengthen their lives and future research. Precise mathematics, vivid examples, colorful graphics, intuitive explanations, and extraordinary problem, all work together to help students to grasp a better understanding of calculus.

The now of Rogawski successful calculus continue to carefully updated version. In response to user feedback and classroom experience revised, the new version offers a smoother teaching and learning experience.